ICST 2019 has been wrapped up. Thank you for your participation!
Watch the conference's short video here.

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

30–31 July 2019

@icstugm     icstugm     icst

Held as part of the Universitas Gadjah Mada Annual Scientific Conferences (UASC 2019) series, the 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2019) provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in engineering and the natural sciences.

This year, seven symposia will be held, Computer and Information Technology symposium; Electronics, Communication, Control, and Instrumentation symposium; Environmental and Earth Science symposium; Life Sciences, Materials, and Applied Chemistry symposium; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering symposium; Power and Energy symposium; and Remote Sensing and Geomatics symposium.

Important dates

6 May
Full paper submission deadline
14 June
Last notification of full paper acceptance
28 June
Early bird payment deadline
5 July
Registration deadline
8 July
Camera ready deadline
30–31 July
The conference

The accepted and presented papers will be submitted to journals/proceedings that are indexed by Scopus/DOAJ.

ICST 2019


The ICST 2019 brings together scientists and profesionals in science and technology

Conference Program

ICST 2019 Venue

ICST 2019 will be held in Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta.

Conference Program

Conference Program

For conference program, please read conference program carefully.

List of participants

List of Participants

List of participants for ICST 2019