Primary health care, Metabolic syndrome, Maternal, infant, and child health, Epidemiology, Family planning, Mental health, Adolescent and young adults health, Social determinants of health, Health communication and health information technology, Non-communicable diseases, Nutrition, Health economics, Dental public health, Sexual and reproductive health and related areas, Health insurances, Health finance, and Hospital.
The accepted and presented papers will be submitted to proceedings BIO Web of Conferences (CPCI). Selected papers will be submitted to Medical Journal of Malaysia (Special issue, Scopus Q3), Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (Special issue, Scopus Q4), Indonesian Biomedical Journal (Scopus Q4), Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (Scopus Q3), Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology (Scopus Q4), and ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development (Sinta S1).
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Coordinator: dr. Firdaus Hafidz As Shidieq, AAK, Ph.D.
dr. Guardian Yoki Sanjaya, M.HlthInfo.
Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, Apt.
drg. Rosa Amalia, PhD
drg. Fitrina Rachmadanty
Kurnia Yuliandari, Ns., M.Sc.