Author guidelines

Important dates

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 21 August.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection via e-mail within 10 days of the submission deadline.

General guidelines

  1. Abstracts submitted should not have been previously published or presented at another meeting.
  2. Abstracts must be written in the format provided below and must be uploaded in doc format. Abstract submitted in pdf or other formats will not be reviewed.
  3. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (excluding abstract title, authors and affiliations).
  4. Abstracts should be written in English.
  5. For both primary and co-authors, credentials along with their full names and email addresses must be included. If co-authors are from different institutions, the secondary institution(s) and the institution investigators are associate with must be listed using a superscript.
  6. Papers submitted to the ICTA must be original work and not previously published or submitted.

Paper guidelines

  • Please only capitalise the first word and pronouns in your Paper Title.
  • Make sure you include all the authors and their organisation details in the abstract.
  • Highlight the presenting author by making his/her name underlined.
  • Use “Times New Roman”.
  • Normal text should be 11 point with single line spacing.
  • Paper title: 14 point, bold, sentence case (capitals for proper nouns only). Leave one blank line below the title.
  • Authors' names: 11 point. First name or initials should come before the family name for each author. Highlight the presenting author in bold. Use superscript capital letter to indicate different affiliations.
  • Authors' affiliations: 9 point, sentence case (capitals for first letter and proper nouns only), provide email address of first or presenting author and each affiliation defined by a superscript capital letter.

Download guidelines or template

ePaper guidebook