The plenary lecture (PL) is 40 minutes long, 30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for answering questions from the audience.
The session invited speaker (IS) is 25 minutes long, 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for answering questions from the audience.
The oral presentation (OP) is 15 minutes long, 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for entertaining question from the audience.
The oral flash poster presentation (OFP) is 5 minutes long, no extra minutes for question and answer period. The presenting author must also prepare the poster to be displayed on the poster panel and be present at the poster session. The posters are expected to be displayed for the whole time during the symposium (2 days), starting at 8.00 am on 11 November 2015.
The other presenting poster (PP) authors can display their posters on the panel provided and be present at the poster session as scheduled. The posters are to be displayed for the whole time during the symposium (2 days), starting at 8.00 am on 11 November 2015.
For (4) and (5) the size of the poster is no more than 110 cm x 90 cm (A0) with portrait orientation.