Drug analysis, drug delivery system, drug formulation, herbal medicine, medicinal chemistry, nutraceuticals, pharmacology, and pharmacogenomics.
The accepted and presented papers will be submitted in the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy indexed by Scopus or Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention indexed by DOAJ or Traditional Medicine Journal indexed by DOAJ.
If you are going to present your paper in this symposium, please make sure that you have done these following instructions:
If you still require further assistance, you can read our tutorials or contact us.
Coordinator: Dr. Muthi' Ikawati
Co-coordinator: Dr. Riris Istighfari Jenie
Dr.rer.nat. Adam Hermawan
Rumiyati, Ph.D.
Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid, Ph.D.
Dr. Muthi' Ikawati