Tropical infectious disease
Invited speakers
Accepted papers will be submitted to one of the following journals indexed by Scopus/Thomson Reuters/PubMed/DOAJ:
- Global Health Action (Scopus Q1, Thomson Reuters IF 1.896, PubMed)
- Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences (Scopus Q3, PubMed)
- Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (Scopus Q4)
- Journal of the Medical Sciences (DOAJ)
- Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (DOAJ)
- Acta Medica Indonesiana (Scopus Q2)
- Belitung Nursing Journal (DOAJ)
- The Indonesian Biomedical Journal (Thomson Reuters, DOAJ)
Papers not accepted for publication in the aforementioned journals will have the option of being published in UGM Proceedings.
Publication terms and conditions
- All papers will go through the peer-review process of the corresponding journal, with the final decision made by its respective editor.
- Authors are responsible for the payment of publication fees, except for UGM Proceedings.
- BPP UGM will provide assistance with manuscript preparation; i.e. layouting according to the particular journal's guidelines and checking for plagiarism.